More about us
Firstly we are an investment company geared to acquire a portfolio of immovable property to create a property fund through developments and acquisitions. Reatha Pty Ltd is also a residential property development company, crafted to become the heart and soul of any new development site through creation of multi-space precincts, transforming how end-users and residents view their developments.
We subscribe fully to the 4th industrial revolution (green developments), from which the entire real estate industry has to rethink how new technologies as well as shifts in demographics and how behavior will impact upon real estate business models. Technology will overturn our assumptions whether we are prepared or not. It is in this narrative that an African woman owned organization saw it fit to participate in real estate development to harness the opportunities that come with sustainability principles.
With Head offices in Gauteng and Associates in Limpopo, Western Cape, Eastern Cape and Mpumalanga provinces, Reatha (Pty) Ltd has been able to serve Clients from all over the Country.
We are Classified as a small Qualified Enterprise, Level 1 Broad Based Black Economics Empowerment.

(SHRA) Accreditation
Social Housing Regulatory Authority (SHRA) Accreditation
Through our nonprofit company Africa Lemuel Properties (ALP), we have achieved accreditation status to participate in social housing developments.

Currently our accreditation status with Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB)
7GBPE - General Building potentially emerging Contractor
7CEPE - Civil Engineering potentially emerging Contractor
NHBRC Registered
National Housing Board Regulatory Council registered contractor.

Partners in developments
National Housing Finance Corporation (NHFC) and Gauteng Partnership Fund(GPF).

Prestigious Best Woman Entrepreneur of the Year award for 2016
Govan Mbeki Award in 2008 MEC Merit Award